

The One App Every


RepCard’s versatile features benefit both individuals and companies. Either way, our Digital Business Card App will change the way you do business.

Trusted by 21k+ Companies Across The Globe

Company Testimonials Digital Business Card RepCard, Pricing
A Powerful suite of tools, uniquely designed to help you make more money.

Digital Business Cards

Stand out from the competition, build instant credibility, and effortlessly track engagement for smarter follow-ups and lasting connections.

Team Calendar


Streamline your team’s workflow with setter/closer coordination and round-robin assignments for optimized scheduling and peak performance.


Foster a dynamic and motivating environment where sales achievements are recognized, inspiring your team to excel and celebrate success together.



Assign areas, track progress in real-time, and uncover valuable insights, leading to less time on the doors and more time talking to customers.


Effortlessly maintain contact, nurture leads, and build lasting relationships through automated, timely email and text communication.

ID Badges


Crafted to enhance credibility and brand identity, customizable badges share your digital business card instantly and instill confidence in every client interaction.

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Screenshots-RepCard Features

RepCard helps you capture and nurture leads, so you can close more deals!

Paper Plane Digital Business Cards RepCard

Send Your Digital Business Card

Start leveraging every interaction and stop missing out on sales. After all,  sharing info is surprisingly easy with RepCard. Especially if your business namely relies on reaching and  following up with new contacts.

Call Phone Digital Business Card RepCard

Get Notified When People 0pen It Up

In addition, this smart Digital Business Card App takes guessing out of the equation. Because you will also know when a potential lead is interacting with your Repcard, as soon as it happens. Overall, RepCard makes your job easier.

Road Map Digital Business Card RepCard

Follow Up With Leads, Right Away

Ultimately, knowing how and when to follow up, will make or break any deal. For this reason, you should allow Repcard do the work for you. In short, timing is everything and in sales there is no time like the present. 

Check List Digital Business Card RepCard

Close the Deal and Get Referred

RepCard allows you to share contact info instantly. In fact, whenever your lead shares your contact info with a friend, we notify you immediately. RepCard makes it undoubtedly easy to get referred and surely keep you busy.



RepCards Sent
Reviews Generated

Empower Your People With Digital Business Cards From RepCard

Every member of your team will certainly benefit from our sales solution, an Electronic Business Card is what your team is missing.


Truly micromanage production goals and not to mention progress, instantly through a global device. Instead of wasting time. In addition, you can schedule a call for special enterprise pricing.


Definitely start capturing more 5-star reviews with RepCard’s powerful follow-up tools. Uniquely Created for automation.

Sales Managers

Quickly understand which rep is productive within your sales team and also oversee your recruiting pipeline instantly.


Frequently capture and nurture leads by sending your RepCard. In addition, you could also know who to follow up with and turn leads into customers instantly.


Ultimately, generate more reviews and referrals by always having your Smart Digital Business Card App with you.

Testimonials Digital Business Card RepCard

The RepCard Experience

Our users truly wanted a better way to improve the sales experience, and here’s what they had to say…

Video Testimonial Digital Business Cards
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Video Testimonial Digital Business Cards
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Video Testimonial Digital Business Cards
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Video Testimonial Digital Business Cards
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Video Testimonial Digital Business Cards
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Video Testimonial Digital Business Cards
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RepCard Digital Business Cards Features

The Digital Business Card App For Sales People

Quickly, boost rep productivity with RepCard’s field-friendly platform, while you notably gain full visibility into the field. In short, capture the data you need to make smarter decisions.

Leverage Digital Business Card RepCard

Leverage every opportunity

Luck is where preparation and opportunity meet. You can quickly leverage RepCard to help you maximize every opportunity to sell anytime, anywhere. Particularly by capturing every contact and landing more accounts. In Short, hello maximum efficiency, with a Smart Digital Business Card.

Gear Icon Digital Business Card RepCard

Follow up instantly

Our CRM tool doesn’t just record, track, and manage your leads. It also lets you start automated, uniquely customized follow-up campaigns. In addition, you’ll know whenever your contacts are looking at your business card or other content you’ve shared with them as well. Not to mention, you can follow up immediately and provide even better service to your customers which is equally important.

Referrals Digital Business Card RepCard

Get more referrals than ever before

Customers are more likely to give you a referral if you ask for one. RepCard asks your customers for referrals automatically through our digital business card. Once a customer sends you a referral, you’ll get notified immediately so you can quickly follow up and lock down the sale.

Customer Reviews Digital Business Card RepCard

Generate customer reviews quickly

Generally speaking, potential buyers are more inclined to buy from reps with a solid track record. With this in mind, RepCard helps you generate positive, relevant customer reviews quickly and automatically. That you can ultimately share with your prospects in a natural way. In essence, you can now build your reputation and lock down more deals.

Recruit Digital Business Card RepCard

Recruit new reps more effectively

In addition to getting more sales you could also recruit new reps, with smart digital business cards from RepCard. As long as you are using this tool, you can sign up and onboard new reps to your team quickly and seamlessly without all the back and forth. In essence, Just set up your process once and let RepCard do the rest for every new recruit.


"I’m seeing call backs to my phone spike and I’m getting one or two phone calls a day from people that I had totally forgotten about..”


Brinks Home Security

Take RepCard For a Spin.

Get your team up and running in less than 3 minutes. Our solution is quick, simple and extremely affordable.

Digital Business Card App RepCard, Pricing